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Scope of BSc in Nursing degree in India

the list of jobs that one can enroll themselves for after the completion of a BSc in Nursing degree in India:

  1. Nurse
  2. Nursing Assistant
  3. Nursing Tutor
  4. Home Care Nurses
  5. Nurse Manager
  6. Nursing Assistant Supervisor
  7. Home Care Nurses
  8. Ward Nurse and Infection Control Nurse
  9. Military Nurse
  10. Deputy Nursing Superintendent
  11. Assistant Nursing Superintendent
  12. Staff Nurse
  13. Junior Psychiatric Nurse
  14. Community Health Nurse (CHN)

Here we also have a few courses one can enroll in after the completion of BSc Nursing:

  1. MBBS
  2. MPhil in Nursing
  3. MSc in Nursing
  4. MSc in Medical-Surgical Nursing

List of Nursing job offers that one can pursue in private as well as in the government sector. Let us take a look at them:

  1. Clinical Research Specialist
  2. Lab Tech
  3. Research Scientist
  4. Assistant Prof/ Lecturer
  5. Assistant Nurse
  6. Biochemist
  7. Medical Representative
  8. IT/ Technical Jobs
  9. Lab Assistant

And we also have a few Indian government jobs after BSc Nursing too:

  1. Indian Air Force
  2. AIIMS – Nursing Officer
  3. IARI – Laboratory Assistant
  4. LIC – AAO
  5. RBI Grade B Officer
  6. Indian Railways – Assistant Officer/ JE
  7. Forest Department – IFS Officer
  8. SBI PO
  9. Public Sector Bank – Probationary Office
  10. FCI – Trainee



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